FORD REAR LEAF SPRINGS, Stock, Lowered, or Raised, 1949 - 1979

Order from items listed below or call

800-344-1966 or 970-513-8283

for personal service and expert advise

REAR: 1949 - 1951

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

49-50 8BA, 8HA, OBA, OHA exc station wagon 42-169 8A5560J, D 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

49-50 8BA, 8HA, OBA, OHA exc s/w (with HD shks) 42-173 8A5560L, G 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

49-50 8BA, 8HA station wagon 42-171 8A5560K, F 2” 9 7/8” 7/8”

49 OBA, OHA station wagon 42-171 8A5560K, F 2” 9 7/8” 7/8”

50 OBA, OHA station wagon 42-175 8A5560K, F 2” 9 7/8” 7/8”

51 1BA, 1HA exc station wagon 42-177 1A5560B, A 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

51 1BA, 1HA exc s/w (with HD shks) 42-179 1A5560D, C 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

51 1BA, 1HA station wagon 42-181 1A5560E, F 2” 9 7/8” 7/8”

REAR: 1952 – 1954

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

52 All sedans, coupes 42-183 AB5560K 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

52-53 All sedans, coupes, convertible 42-189 AB5560P 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

54 All Sedans, coupes, Skyliner 42-191 AD5560B 2” 5 7/8” 7/8”

52-54 All HEAVY DUTY, sedans, coupes 42-185 AB5560H 2” 7 7/8” 7/8”

52-54 All Station wagon, Sedan Delivery 42-187 AB5560M 2” 9 7/8” 7/8”

REAR: 1955 – 1956

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

55-56 All sedans, coupes 42-201 B6A5560A 2” 5 RB44 7/8”

55-56 All HD, Convertible, Police 42-195 B6A5560C 2” 6 RB44 7/8”

55-56 All station wagon 42-197 B6A5560d 2” 7 RB50 7/8”

REAR: 1957 – 1958

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

57 All Sedans, coupes 42-205 B7A-5560A 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

57 All HD, Convertible, Police 42-207 B7A-5560C 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

57-58 All exc Edsel S/W, Retractable hardtop 42-209 B7A-5560D 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

57-58 All exc Edsel Sedans, coupes 42-213 B7A-5560J 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

57-58 All exc Edsel HD, Convertible, Police 42-215 B7A-5560G 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

58 Edsel All Ranger and Pacer exc S/W 36-101 B8E-5560A 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

58 Edsel All Ranger and Pacer S/W 36-103 B8E-5560B 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

58 Edsel All =Corvair and Citation 36-105 B8E-5560C 2” 7 RB47 7/8”


Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

59 All Custom, Fairlane, Galaxie Exc 2 door Sunliner 42-213 B7A5560H 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

59 All Custom, Fairlane, Galaxie Heavy Duty, exc 2 dr Sunliner 42-215 B7A5560J 2” 4 RB47 7/8”

59 All Retractable Hardtop Sunliner – 2 door, Hideaway 42-209 B7A-5560D 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

59 All exc Edsel Convertible 42-223 B9A5560E 2” 5 RB47 7/8”

59 All exc Edsel Station wagon, Ranchero 42-225 B9A5560B 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

59 All exc Edsel– heavy duty Station wagon, Ranchero 42-209 B7A-5560D 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

59 Thunderbird Thunderbird 42-227 B9SS5560B 2” 6 RB47 7/8”

59 Edsel All exc S/W – H.D. 36-107 B9K-5560A 2.5” 4 RB59 7/8”

59 Edsel All exc S/W 36-109 B9K-5560A 2.5” 5 RB59 7/8”

59 Edsel station wagon 42-225 B9K-5560A 2” 6 RB59 7/8”

59 Edsel Station wagon – H.D. 42-217 B9K-5560A 2” 6 RB59 7/8”

REAR: 1960

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

60 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie 2 door sedan 42-231 C0AA5560AK 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

60 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie 4 door sedan, Convertible, S/W 42-233 C0AA5560AC 2.5” 6 1.375” 1”

60 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie Heavy Duty 42-237 C0AA5560AH 2.5” 6 1.375” 1”

60 Thunderbird All 42-227 B9SS5560B 2.5” 6 RB47 7/8”

60 Edsel 2-4 dr sedan, conv, coupe 36-111 COKK-5560B 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

60 Edsel 2-4 dr sedan, conv, coupe – H.D. 36-113 COKK-5560G 2.5” 6 1.375” 1”

60 Edsel station wagon 36-115 COKK-5560A 2.5” 6 1.375” 1”

60 Edsel Station wagon – H.D. 36-117 COKK-5560H 2.5” 6 1.375” 1”

REAR: 1961

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

61 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie 2 door sedan 42-251 C1AA5560G, Y* 2.5” 3 1.375” 1”

61 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie 4 door sedan, Convertible 42-253 C1AA5560J, S* 2.5” 4 1.375” 1”

61 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie Heavy Duty, exc S/W 42-255 C1AA5560K 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

61 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie station wagon 42-257 C1AA-5560H, U* 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

61 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie station wagon – heavy duty 42-259 C1AA5560N 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

61 All Thunderbird Hardtop 42-261 C1ASS5560M* 2.5” 4 1 1”

61 All Thunderbird Convertilbe 42-263 C1SS5560K* 2.5” 4 1 1”

REAR: 1962

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

62 All Fairlane, Fairlane 500 exc station wagon 42-265 C2OZ5560D 2” 5 2” 1

62 All Fairlane, Fairlane 500 Heavy Duty, exc station wagon 42-267 C2OZ5560E 2” 4 2” 1”

62 All Galaxie 2 door sedan 42-251 C1AA5560G, Y* 2.5” 3 1.375” 1”

62 All Galaxie 4 door sedan, Convertible 42-253 C1AA5560J, S* 2.5” 4 1.375” 1”

62 All Galaxie station wagon 42-257 C1AA-5560H, U* 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

62 All Fairlane 500, Galaxie station wagon – heavy duty 42-259 C1AA5560N 2.5” 5 1.375” 1”

62 All Thunderbird Hardtop 42-269 C2SZ5560A 2.5” 4 2” 1”

62 All Thunderbird Convertible 42-271 C2SZ5560B 2.5” 4 2” 1”

REAR: 1963

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

63 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 exc station wagon 42-265 C2OZ5560D 2” 5 2” 1

63 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 Heavy Duty, exc station wagon 42-307 C2OZ5560E 2” 4 2” 1

63 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 station wagon 42-309 C3OZ5560J 2” 5 2” 1

63 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 Heavy Duty, station wagon 42-311 C3OZ5560K 2” 6 2” 1

63 All Galaxie exc station wagon 42-285 C3AZ-5560B 2.5” 5 2” 1”

63 All Galaxie Heavy Duty, exc station wagon 42-287 C3AZ-5560E 2.5” 6 2” 1”

63 All Galaxie station wagon 42-289 C30Z5560J 2.5” 6 2” 1”

63 All Galaxie Heavy Duty, station wagon 42-291 C30Z5560E 2.5” 6 2” 1”

63 All Thunderbird Hardtop 42-293 C3AZ5560D 2.5” 4 2” 1”

63 All Thunderbird Convertible 42-295 C3AZ5560E 2.5” 4 2” 1”

REAR: 1964

Year Model Body Part # Rear OEM # Width Leaves Front Rear

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 6 Cyl. 116” WB, 2 door sedan 42-337 C40Z-5560F 2” 5 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 8 Cyl. 116” WB, 2 door sedan 42-339 C40Z-5560E 2” 5 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 6, 8 Cyl. 116” WB, Heavy Duty, 2 door sedan 42-341 C40Z-5560D 2” 4 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 6 Cyl. Exc 116” WB + station wagon 42-321 C40Z-5560A 2” 5 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 8 Cyl. Exc 116” WB + station wagon 42-305 C40Z-5560G 2” 5 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, 500, 8 Cyl. Exc 116” WB + S/W, Heavy Duty 42-307 C30Z-5560H 2” 4 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 station wagon 42-309 C30Z5560J 2” 6 2” 1”

64 All Fairlane, 300, + 500 Heavy Duty, station wagon 42-311 C30Z5560K 2” 6 2” 1”

64 All Galaxie 2 door sedan 42-283 C3AZ5560A 2.5” 4 2” 1”

64 All Galaxie 4 door sedan, Convertible 42-285 C3AZ5560B 2.5” 5 2” 1”

64 All Galaxie Heavy Duty, Sedans, Convertible 42-287 C3AZ5560C 2.5” 6 2” 1”

64 All Galaxie station wagon 42-289 C3AZ5560D 2.5” 6 2” 1”

64 All Galaxie Heavy Duty, station wagon 42-291 C3AZ5560E 2.5” 6 2” 1”

64-66 All Thunderbird Hardtop 42-323 C4SZ5560A 2.5” 5 2” 1”

64-66 All Thunderbird Convertible 42-325 C4SZ5560B 2.5” 5 2” 1”

Products (Total Items: 29 )
42-169 - Rear Leaf Springs, Fits 1949, 1950, Ford, Custom, Deluxe, exc. convertible, Station wagon, Replaces OEM # 8a-5560j, 8a-5560d, 1-PAIR
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-171 - Rear Leaf springs, Fits 1949 Ford, Custom, Deluxe, Station wagon, Replaces OEM # 8a-5560f, 8a-5560k, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-173 -Rear Leaf springs, Fits 1949, 50, Ford, Custom, Deluxe, Station wagon, Convertible, with Heavy duty shocks, Replaces OEM # 8a-5560g, 8a-5560L, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-177 - Rear Leaf spring, Fits 1951, Ford, exc convert, S/W, & HD shocks,  Replaces OEM # 1a-5560a, 1a-5560b, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-181 - Rear Leaf springs, Fits Ford, Custom, Deluxe, Station Wagons, 1951, Replaces OEM # 1a-5560e, 1a-5560f, - 1 PAIR
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-183 - Rear Leaf springs, Ford, Custom, ,Deluxe, Mainline, Crestline, Customline, Country Sedan, 1952, 53, Replaces OEM # AB-5560k, 1-pair, MADE IN THE USA.
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-197 - Rear Leaf springs, Fits 1955, 56, Ford. Replaces OEM # B5A-5560D, 1-pair. MADE IN THE USA.
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-201 - Rear Leaf springs, Fits Ford, Customline, Mainline, except Station Wagon. 1955, 1956,Replaces OEM # B6A-5560A, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-205 - Rear leaf springs, Fits 1957 Ford, Fairlane, Sedans, Coupes,  Replaces OEM # B7A-5560A, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-207 - Rear Leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, Crown Victoria, Galaxy, Taxi, Heavy duty, 1957, Replaces OEM # B7A-5560C, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-209 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, Crown Victoria, Galaxie, Station Wagon, 1957, Replaces OEM #B7A-5560D, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-213 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford Fairlane, Crown Victoria, Galaxy, Sedans, Coupes, 957, 1958, Replaces OEM # B7A-5560H, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-215 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, Crown Victoria, Galaxie, Sedans, Coupes, Taxi, Heavy duty, 1957, 1958, Replaces OEM # B7A-5560J, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-223 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, 500, Convertible, 1959, Replaces OEM #B9A-5560e, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-231 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, Ford Galaxie, 2 door sedan, 1960, Replaces OEM # COAA5560AK, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-251 - Rear leaf springs, Fits 1961-62, Ford, Fairlane, Galaxy, 2 dr sedan,, Replaces OEM # C1AA5560G, C1AA5560Y, C1AZ5560C, 1-PAIR
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-253 - Rear leaf springs, Fits 1961-62, Ford, Fairlane, Galaxie, 4 dr sedan, Convertible, Replaces OEM # C1AA5560J, C1AA5560S, C1AZ5560A, 1-PAIR
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-255 - Rear leaf springs, Fits 1961-62, Ford, Fairlane, Ford Galaxie, Heavy duty, Replaces OEM # C2AZ5560, 1-PAIR
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 6 weeks for production
42-257 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, Ford Galaxy, All Station Wagon, 1961, 1962, Replaces OEM # C2AZ5560G, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-283 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Galaxie, 2 door sedan, 1963, 1964, Replaces OEM # C3AZ5560A, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-285 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Galaxie, 4 door sedan & Convertilbe, 1963, 1964, Replaces OEM # C3AZ5560A, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-289 - Rear leaf springs, Fits 1963, 1964, Ford, Galaxie, Replaces OEM # C30Z5560J, 2.5
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-305 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, all except station wagon, 1963, 1964, Replaces OEM # C3OZ5560G, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-309 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, all  station wagon, 1963, 1964, Replaces OEM # C3OZ5560J, 1-pair. see application chart for exact listing
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production
42-373 - Rear leaf springs, Fits Ford, Fairlane, 1966, 1967, Replaces OEM #  C6OZ5560B, 1-pair
Thank you for your order, these are custom made, allow 3 weeks for production